Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Take a closer look....

Because this is the first family picture we have ever posted on our blog.....

One of our goals for 2009, have a professional family picture taken!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas around the Jensen House....

Bridger asked Santa for a "noboard" (snowboard) but unfortunately they don't make snowboards that small at the North Pole. So instead Santa brought Bridger a "Big wheel" and a blue sled that we have yet to use due to lack of snow around Gillette. On Christmas morning the 3 of us slept in until 9:30! Josie asked me on Christmas Eve "what time are you going to wake Bridger up in the morning?" Jeremy and I just laughed because we aren't going to get up early on Christmas Day until we absolutely have to and hopefully that won't be for a few years. Here are a few pictures of Christmas around our house....

(Below) After Santa came, before Bridger woke up
Jeremy just couldn't believe all the presents Santa left, or maybe that they were mostly for Bridger not Jeremy and I. We will try to be good next year.

Bridger in his sled from Santa!

What a tricky little smile...

It took him 4 min and 32 seconds to open this present....
He rides his "bike" everyday even though it is a bit big still

Santa also brought us all slippers, Bridgers were camo ones!
Bridger was so happy to get all the new toys!

This present contained Tinker toys, thanks Aunt Denise and Uncle Jason!

Jeremy loves the tinker toys almost as much as Bridger. Yay!

Christmas Shopping and some....

2 days before Christmas, Jeremy and I still needed to do a big chunk of our Christmas shopping so we decided to go to Rapid City for the day. Bridger was a handful at times but for the most part was a trooper considering he didn't nap until 6:00 that night while we were driving back to Gillette. Here are a few pictures at Bridger and Jeremy's favorite store Cabelas....

Bridger wearing Jeremys' hat right before his 6 p.m. napoff on the way back to Gillette....

Right before we left to come home we stopped at Sonic and got some "fushies" (Slushies in Bridger terms because he hasn't perfected his S's and L's). We were about 45 miles from Gillette and 15 miles from the closest bathroom when Bridger woke up and announced he needed to go poop. Remember we live in Wyoming so at 7:30 on a December evening the temperature was close to 0*! I told Jeremy to just pull over and I would let him poop in the empty sonic cups. Jeremy thought I was crazy, but he proceeded to do it anyway. I held Bridger on the pooping cup while Jeremy held a "pee" cup just in case any squirted out the front while Bridger went #2! It was pretty clever if you ask me even though Jeremy was quite disgusted. Of course Jeremy grabbed the camera to capture the moment and I grabbed the camera to prove that pooping on a sonic cup with a 3" radius was possible for a 2-year-old! Sorry if the following pics are a bit graphic.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's Official

Yesterday I officially passed my first semester of nursing school. Wahoo! We still have 1 final to go but I could get a 0 and still be fine!!!!! Anybody want to party like a rockstar with me this weekend?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What would our lives be like without this kid?

BORING..."I'm sexy" his new favorite phrase...

Today Napolean wanted to wear his "Bayjing" shirt with his matching underwear. I told him to go put some shoes on if he wanted to go out in the garage with Jeremy. This is what his ensemble looked like! Just for the record he always wants to wear these boots and Jeremy tells him he cannot leave the house with them on or be seen in public with him wearing his boots.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Josie is the big winner. When we took all of our accumulated change to the bank we had a grand total of $216.32. Josie bring a photo I.D. to the Jensen's house to claim your prize.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Had a bad day....

Yesterday (Friday) I woke up about 5:30 to my cellphone being lit up saying I had a missed call and 4 new text messages. Jeremy had woke up late for work and was speeding to catch the bus. He got pulled over. The proof of insurance, expired tags, and a speeding ticket. I was a little upset at myself because Jeremy has been reminding me to get his new tags from the courthouse and I kept telling myself to wait until after school on Friday. At 8:00 I had my last "test" for the semester and instead of studying the night before I went to bed. I figure I am better off with sleep and not studying than studying and no sleep. That tactic worked alright. I passed with a 76. Needless to say I did go to the courthouse and pay for Jeremy's tags. Anyways skip ahead a few hours. Jeremy calls and asks if I will just pick him up from the bus stop instead of him driving home. So I agree. Being the kind wife I am, I decide to pick up a hot'n'spicy and chocolate shake from McDonalds (one of his favorite meals). So now I am headed out to the bus stop when I notice I am getting pulled over. I didn't speed, I ran a "yellow light and thats all I could think I was getting pulled over for. Not either of those, I had a headlight out, a $75 ticket that I think gets waved when you take it down to the police station and prove I have a new headlight! What a day! I was a little grumpy going to bed last night.......
Lessons learned....don't drive around on expired tags, carry your updated insurance card in your car, check your headlights before leaving the driveway!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Take a Guess!

We started collecting this change about the time Bridger was born. We finally decided to take it to the bank and put the money in Bridger's savings account. So go ahead and take a guess at how much money there was...It consisted of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and fifty cent pieces. I will post the answer next week and there will be a reward for the closest guess!!!!!

Just a little hint....The girl at the bank stated she had never seen a ziploc bag this large. I think its a 2 gallon! Good Luck!!!!!

And than some...

Here are a few more pics from the weekend Bridger and I spent in Utah. Jeremy had to work all week so he didn' go. Not only was he lonely, but he got the flu too! A few highlights from the weekend:
64 people attended Thanksgiving dinner at my aunts house
Bridger didn't go to bed before 10 p.m. one night we were there
the Skinner kids stayed up and talked every night
We laughed until our stomachs hurt
Bridger learned the phrase "are you kidding me?"
I didn't get ANY christmas shopping done
I ate at P.F. Changs with Corde while he complained about the food the ENTIRE time
Bridger only peed his pants 1 time
Bridger told Max he was "so cute" over 100 times
We saw the christmas lights at Thanksgiving Point
Bridger and my cousin Hector (Bridger LOVES "Hecker")
I took this one for Jeremy, Bridger doesn't want to be an only child,
he would make a great older brother!
The 3 youngest Skinner girls (jewls, me, and josie)

My family at the Party

Bridger and I

Bridger and his cousins; Rowan, Max, and Madden

Bridger "cowboy" style
Odessa holding Madden Ray Ray

Bridger and my cousin Ashley's little boy Carter (Bridger called him Cartener)

Grandpa Gilbert!

My moms dad (Grandpa Gilbert) turned 80 on November 19th. We had a family party Friday night with my mom and her 8 siblings and their families. That included a grand total of 82 people! Saturday night there was an even bigger party for my grandpa's "extended" family and friends that included a crowd of roughly 250 people! That goes to show what an amazing person he is and all the people that he's influenced. We love grandpa Gilbert....

Packing for Utah

Last Tuesday Bridger and I made the 8 hour drive to Provo to spend the Holiday weekend with the Gilberts and celebrate my Grandpa's 80th bday. Here is a good example of Bridger helping me pack...

Bridger was upset because I wouldn't let him sleep in the "wuggage"

He even pretended to be asleep with his blanket!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bridger makes us laugh...again

This afternoon I was laying in bed thinking about taking a nap. Jeremy and I had ran errands and Bridger had fallen asleep in the car but as soon as he was placed in his crib he woke up and started to cry. I let him cry, but Jeremy decided to go get him and see if he would snuggle with us in our bed and fall back asleep. To Jeremy's surprise, Bridger was crying because he needed to go to the bathroom. Jeremy placed him on the toilet and was still in the bathroom when I overheard the following conversation....

Bridger, "daddy, I going poop!"
Jeremy, "really?"
Bridger, "Yep, I pee out my penis and poop out my bottom."
Jeremy (Im sure his face turning red trying not to laugh) "oh really? (awkward)"
Bridger, "uh huh."

At this point I have a belly ache because I am laughing so hard in our bedroom. Jeremy than comes in the room and asks why I taught our son the proper word for his male parts. I told him because I didn't want to lie to him. He was a little upset and still hasn't gotten over Bridger telling him that. Any suggestions as to what I could/should teach my son when it comes to the anatomy of his body????

If that wasn't the quote of the day...Fast forward 5 minutes, the 3 of us are lying in our bed and I am not facing either of them when I hear Jeremy pass gas. Bridger pipes up, "Daddy, that you?"
Jeremy (laughing) "yeah," Bridger ,"daddy, need to go poop?" Jeremy and I both laughed hard at that one as well.

Kids say the craziest things and yet they are honest. He does pay attention to what we tell him and ask him. We do ask when he has gas if he needs to go to the bathroom/poop? I'm getting a little nervous as to what the kids at daycare and nursery know about our family...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Locks Of Love

I have had long hair at least since I met Jeremy! It was getting harder and harder for me to brush, blow dry and style. So about a month ago I decided I probably had enough hair to donate to Locks of Love. Sure enough I had 12 inches, 2 inches longer than the requirements. Tell me what you think....(of the new do!)



Monday, November 17, 2008


We spent Halloween in Kansas this year. Bridger was kind of a pouty cow, not sure why, maybe the lack of sleep from the car ride the night before? He was dang cute though and so was his cousin Max that was with us. Shayla and I took them trick-or-treating in the ghetto, what an experience! This one lady didn't even have candy so she ran into her house and grabbed an empty fish bowl and put some suckers in it for the boys....Its the thought that counts right?
The Front
The Back
Bridger, whats with the sad face?
Lt. Udall and the Pouty Cow, Bridger

I think they were both sad the pumpkin was empty?

Quick Trip....Literally

If you know the Skinners, you know that we do crazy things like travel through the night to reach a destination in time for sunrise. And thats exactly what we did...Bridger and I rode with Lil Grandma, Jewls, Corde, Josie, and Kellen (Corde's friend) to Wichita, KS to visit Grandma and Grandpa Skinner for Grandma's 80th birthday. We left at 4:00 p.m. on the 30th and arrived in Wichita at 5 a.m. on the 31st of October. Bridger was an awesome traveler! It was a quick and fun trip. We saw Shayla, Max, Chelsie, Bryan, Madden, GandG Skinner, and a few old friends from Wichita. It was well worth the long trip! We arrived home on Monday Nov. 2nd at 3:00 a.m. just in time for my nursing test at 8! Definitely a Skinner thing because Jeremy kept telling me how crazy I was for even going in such a short amount of time... I wouldn't trade a weekend seeing family for anything! By the way, I even passed my test on only a few hours of sleep. A few weekend highlights: We ALL got to enjoy Chicken Noodles! I heard the foxhole story only 8 times! We ate Cinammon's Deli twice! We drove by the old "Skinner" house 3 times! Told funny stories about growing up in the 316 area!
Bridger (2), cousins Madden (5 mos) and Max(8 mos)

The partial Skinner fam

Bridger and Mom!

Uncle Corde, Kellen, and Bridger
2/3rds of the sisters, Shayla, Jewls AKA Julionna, Odessa, Josie AKA Margrit

Grandma Skinner, Odessa, and Bridger

In the car....Aunt Josie, Odessa and Bridger

Bridger on the same tractor that my dad (Craig) rode when he was a kid. Funny thing, every so often Bridger says "let's go to Kansas so I can ride the tractor!" Did he forget the car ride?