Saturday, December 6, 2008

Had a bad day....

Yesterday (Friday) I woke up about 5:30 to my cellphone being lit up saying I had a missed call and 4 new text messages. Jeremy had woke up late for work and was speeding to catch the bus. He got pulled over. The proof of insurance, expired tags, and a speeding ticket. I was a little upset at myself because Jeremy has been reminding me to get his new tags from the courthouse and I kept telling myself to wait until after school on Friday. At 8:00 I had my last "test" for the semester and instead of studying the night before I went to bed. I figure I am better off with sleep and not studying than studying and no sleep. That tactic worked alright. I passed with a 76. Needless to say I did go to the courthouse and pay for Jeremy's tags. Anyways skip ahead a few hours. Jeremy calls and asks if I will just pick him up from the bus stop instead of him driving home. So I agree. Being the kind wife I am, I decide to pick up a hot'n'spicy and chocolate shake from McDonalds (one of his favorite meals). So now I am headed out to the bus stop when I notice I am getting pulled over. I didn't speed, I ran a "yellow light and thats all I could think I was getting pulled over for. Not either of those, I had a headlight out, a $75 ticket that I think gets waved when you take it down to the police station and prove I have a new headlight! What a day! I was a little grumpy going to bed last night.......
Lessons learned....don't drive around on expired tags, carry your updated insurance card in your car, check your headlights before leaving the driveway!


Lil Gma said...

How can you get anywhere if you have to check all those things before you head out. Sounds to me like the cops have too much time on their hands or are needing extra pay.

laura said...

those gillette cops are after you guys!!!