Monday, November 17, 2008


We spent Halloween in Kansas this year. Bridger was kind of a pouty cow, not sure why, maybe the lack of sleep from the car ride the night before? He was dang cute though and so was his cousin Max that was with us. Shayla and I took them trick-or-treating in the ghetto, what an experience! This one lady didn't even have candy so she ran into her house and grabbed an empty fish bowl and put some suckers in it for the boys....Its the thought that counts right?
The Front
The Back
Bridger, whats with the sad face?
Lt. Udall and the Pouty Cow, Bridger

I think they were both sad the pumpkin was empty?

1 comment:

Lil Gma said...

Pouty cows are so cute. He was a trooper and quite the charmer. All the boys were charmers even the big ones. (I mean dad)