Friday, February 13, 2009

Some thoughts....

My heart is so full this week. A little boy in our (Jeremy and I teach together) primary class was killed on Tuesday morning in a school bus accident. I went to the funeral yesterday and even though it was the saddest funeral I have ever attended, I learned many things and my testimony was strengthened so much in that hour. read the article because it will make sense as I go on. His dad read his eulogy at the funeral and what a man of faith and love he is. Next, I witnessed the most christ-like example I have ever seen. The bus driver walked in with the family behind the casket and she and her daughter sat next to the parents of the little boy. The dad talked about how they loved the bus driver and no matter what the media portrays, they are going to continue and embrace this woman with their love. He also said that we need to tell our children EVERYDAY how much we love them, not hold grudges, and forgive. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Christ lives and loves each one of us. Count your blessings, I know I am guilty of taking what I have for granted. Last night, I held Bridger tighter than I ever have before because I know he is ours for eternity. The Ringers have extreme faith and know that Josh will be waiting for them when their time comes and that Heavenly Father has provided a plan so that families can be together forever.


Fig said...

What an amazing family. I love that they invited the bus driver to be with them.

Lil Gma said...

Adversity brings us to our knees and keeps us in check. Brought back memories of Lexy and Matthew. Makes me grateful for the knowledge we have.

Anonymous said...

Odessa you were absolutely right - it was the saddest funeral I've ever been to but it was the only one that I felt such peace. They are truly an amazing family and to have such open hearts for the bus driver is amazing. Thank you

jjensen said...

Glad that you took the time to share your feelings with us!
I have to agree it was the saddest funeral I have ever been to also--but the one that has brought the most thinking and soul searching!
I hope that I can be as righteous and forgiving as the examples we saw this week.
I am so grateful that we have a knowledge of eternal life and the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives!
Love you all!

jjensen said...

Oh yea, I forgot to say--you are a wonderful Primary teacher!!! Keep loving and teaching those kids you and Jeremy are so great in there! They all continue to need your love and hugs!