Saturday, February 28, 2009


As I was ebaying one day I noticed my sister in-law Chelsie gave me great feedback on an item she purchased from me. Then I noticed she has way more feedback than I do, curious I started looking at a few of the things she has been buying and selling. Six dollars and Fifty cents for the 2009 S.I. Swimsuit edition. Very Nice Chels, Very Nice!


bcwaldmann said...

Hey, I figured we had no need for that at our house. Some soldier in Iraq appreciated it. :)

Odessa and Jeremy said...

Jeremy made this entry and I deleted the picture because it was the first thing I saw when I got on the blog, he is a nerd!

Shayla said...

I hope that soldier WASN'T my husband! J/k. He's not that dumb to pay 6.50 for it. Chelsie is just making some extra money in these times... we will all be living with her soon and she will support us all from Ebay.