Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Potty Training....

Last Monday Bridger and I rode home from Provo with Lil Grandma, Jewls, and Missy. We had been in the car over 8 hours so I figured Bridger and I should take a bath when we got home. After we were finished, Bridger got out of the tub and told me peepee. I asked if he wanted to go peepee in the toilet and he said his famous, "uh huh." So I plopped him right up and he peed like a champ. Well that was the last day he wore diapers (actually he still wears them during naps and at bedtime.) He has had a few accidents but for the most part he is amazing! Morgan, I do need some tips on the pooping because he has only gone once in the toilet. He either waits until naptime to poop or just does it in his underwear! Although he does tell me "I pooped," afterwards. We did trick him and tell him he has police cars on his underwear because he has some obsession with them. Hopefully he wants to be a policeman and not end up riding in the back of them...

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