I don't think I stress on here enough how much I love Bridger. I might be wrong in saying that he being the first born holds a SPECIAL place in my heart. Definitely in Jeremy's heart. They are best buds. I want to be able to look back in 50 years and laugh with Jeremy as we read about all the funny things he said as a youngster. So maybe this post is just for me but I figured I would share anyway.
Bridger came out of his room after we had put him to bed and said "Mom, we forgot 3 things. First, I didn't take my vitamin today. Second, you didn't put insulation- I mean mentholatum on my feet so I don't cough. Third, you didn't fill my air purifier with water. I would appreciate it if we could accomplish all of those things before I go to sleep." He has a routine. It's scary. For any of you that have put him to bed at night, I apologize. I admit to passing some of my OCD genes onto him.
I really am not a fan of our dog Buddy. Actually if I could choose, I would get rid of him. But of course Jeremy and Bridger love him. Yesterday Buddy was driving me crazy and being wild and not to mention he sheds, smells disgusting and likes to lay on our bed! I told Jeremy, I want to get rid of him. Bridger almost broke into tears and said "We can't get rid of him." I than told him, we can either get rid of Connor or Buddy. He still can't decide....almost 24 hours later! We will keep them both.
Last night Jeremy asked Bridger to say prayer before we went to bed. He usually repeats the same 5 line prayer. But not last night. He so proudly prayed "I pray for a baby sister." Than with confidence turned to Jeremy and in the middle of the prayer said "Dad, I'm praying for a little sister." Jeremy and I looked at eachother in shock. Part of me wanted to giggle but there was another part tugging at my heart because he prayed for "Arbar" EVERYDAY when I was pregnant with Connor. If only I could show on this blog how much LOVE one little boy has for his little brother. Shocking really but definitely sweet. And no, I am not pregnant.
Today Bridger and I were playing while Jeremy and Connor were taking a nap. We were playing cars and pretending to be racing at Daytona(?) He stopped and said let's play that you are the mom and I'm the dad and we are going to take our kids for a ride in my MANLY truck. I asked well how many kids do we have, he thought for a moment and said "7!" I laughed. With a serious face he named all seven kids....they were in this order "Connor, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Connie, Cupid, and Vixon." I giggled again because I LOVE him and he makes me smile.
These are the best times in our lives. You are a great mom! Funny how we can mention babies and people assume right away that we're having one. HA! And no, I am not pregnant either.
He TOTALLY looks like a SKINNER GIRL with that face. I think each one of us at one point has made that face in a picture. Bridger is soo CUTE.
He makes me smile when he lets me know what I should be doing.
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