Sunday, February 12, 2012

The weekend

We spent the weekend in Red Lodge, Montana. We rented a house with some friends and had a blast. Jeremy and Bridger went up the mountain on Saturday, Jeremy went snowboarding and Bridger had his first try at skiing. Once he got the hang of it, he really enjoyed it. He is such a motivated little buster, he puts his mind to something and will keep trying until he can do it without fail. Connor and I hung out in the lodge. We were all able to enjoy both nights relaxing in the hot tub, Connor is still not a fan of water since his near drowning experience about a month ago.
On Sunday morning Lucas drove over from Billings with Kennedy and Rowan and we were able to sled for a bit. Connor loved sledding. Lucas and Jeremy would put him in the sled and send him down the hill all by himself and he would just giggle! When he reached me at the bottom, he would quickly say "again!" Bridger, Rowan, and Kennedy enjoyed playing in the snow and making/throwing snowballs.

We also walked around the wildlife preserve and saw many rescued animals. Connor about jumped out of his clothes when the donkey started "heeeee hawing." He made sure to hold onto Jeremy the rest of the trail.

Lucas and I had flashbacks when we came upon a buffalo. About 9 years ago, Lucas and I worked one summer spraying weeds along buried oil lines. We had to go on a ranch with about 300 buffalo roaming around us. We learned real fast they aren't super friendly. Lucas had about 30 of them chasing him-luckily the 4 wheeler he was on went 35mph and buffalo only run up to 30 mph so no permeant damage was done, just a traumatic experience and lesson learned. Anyway, today at the refuge, we were only about 5 feet from the rescued buffalo and the only thing between him and us was a chain link fence, so we quickly walked passed.
The boys are both sound asleep as we drive back to Gillette.
Here are a few pictures....

1 comment:

Lil Gma said...

I just love it when you blog. I realize that it takes time but it is soooo fun for me to see the grandbabies and it is such a good way to keep a journal. I love you all.