Friday, October 23, 2009

What to do with a 3 year old?

Sometimes Bridger is so cute that I forget about the naughtiness. Like in situations like this, Good thing the garage is Jeremy's department......

My question, Should I beat his little bottom or laugh? I laughed no worries :)


Jason and Denise said...

they disolve in water...just hose him down!

Lil Gma said...

Corde says that he made a huge mess. We have all made messes in our lives. A few peanuts never hurt a body ever. He is a cute little kiddo.

Shayla said...

haha - along with mom's comment I should write the list of things that never kill kids that i read in a magazine. i love that kid. thanks for the updates. i am glad that you are happy to be pregnant although you were sick and getting fat. you see the positives and teach the rest of us a good lesson.

jjensen said...

Glad it was your garage not mine!!! He pops the air bubbles here-less mess! Use the shop vac to clean up--just a lot of emptying the vac!! Looks fun!