Friday, February 22, 2008

Potty Training....

Jeremy and I decided it was time to potty train Bridger. We bought a potty chair last weekend. I haven't hit it hard yet but am about there maybe this next week. Bridger tells us poop anytime before he goes either pee or poop. I guess when a kid knows when he has to go its time for the training. If I am good, I run him to the toilet when he tells me that and he will go pee in there. Tonight, I was getting ready to change Bridgers diaper but first he told me poop (we are trying to differentiate between poop and pee but for now poop means either) so I let him run without a diaper to the bathroom. For some reason he likes our master bathroom so he ran into our room, I was only a few seconds behind him and right when I ran in he was peeing on the floor in our bedroom. Right away I told him we go in the toilet and boys that cant do that have to go to timeout. What does Bridger do? He goes to timeout naked from the waste down and counts to five. I had to grab my camera and get a picture....Oh by the way, those are his new cowboy boots! He likes to wear those without pants as well.


Vanessa and Raymond said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! Cute little bum!

Brigham said...


that is a hilarious story. it would have been better if bridger had peed in timeout though. i love the boots!

he is a darn cute kid.