Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last Sunday, Bridger and I went to church, can you believe a 15 month old is that excited about being quiet (or attempting to be quiet) for nearly 3 hours? We got home and took a nap, than decided to go for a walk. I bundled Bridger up and off we went in the 30 degree weather. Jeremy was on night shift so we needed to get out of the house for another hour or so and let him sleep in peace for a little while longer! Uncle Corde gave Bridger the cute hat and we strolled around the neighborhood like 2 crazy people without anything else to do on a chilly Sunday afternoon. We like to take walks with the stroller, I strap Bridger in and can control him and he enjoys all the scenery. Another 30 minutes during the day that I consider relaxing!


Vanessa and Raymond said...

Odie! I found your blog through Shay and Brig's blog!
Little Digger is funny and cute! I got to hang out with Shay over the weekend and have a baby shower. It was fun, I miss her.
How are ya? I need your email address, then I can keep up with you!

Shayla said...

Odes, i want a little Digger. you look like you have some fun, no dull moments. i am hoping for a boy, Chels said if she has a boy and i have a girl, we can switch! you better be right that i will have this baby early. if i don't, it will weigh 15 pounds!!!

TMATR said...

He sure is cute with his smile! Keep him warm in that Gillette winter, Adayla wants to go to Wyoming because it has snow and she wants to play in it.

Vanessa and Raymond said...

Yea! Odie! August!
email me: vanessadondlinger@yahoo.com

CindyC said...

Hi Odie from Cindy C..........
Little Digger is sooooooooooo CUTE ! AND....it sounds like the Skinner sisters are taking on a 2008 expansion program.