Dear Connor,
I can't believe you are 2 today! Seems like yesterday you were just a tiny baby with a head full of dark hair and the cutest chubby cheeks. What a joke that you were born on April Fools Day, as nobody believed us and yet daddy and I were both exhausted from the 12 hour wait for you to arrive. We still joke about that to this day! You make daddy and I laugh everyday as we wonder where you got your stubborn yet funny and loving personality. You admire Bridger and want to do everything he does. Just last night he was reading you a book and I started to cry as I watched you both just giggle at each other, (tears of joy seeing how close my boys are.) I often tell you I want you to stay little forever but we love watching you grow up and are excited to see what age "2" brings us. You love babies and I am sure when ours arrives in June, you will love your little brother or sister so much. We love you little Coniferous, Connie, Connor and our little buster!
P.S. You were being very quiet while I wrote this and I found you dipping my hair brush in the toilet, oh how there is never a dull moment with you :)